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We have recently completed a new website for The Leathersellers’ Company, one of the ancient Livery Companies of the City of London, ranked fifteenth in the order of precedence. It was founded by royal charter in 1444 with authority to control the sale of leather within the City. The Company no longer has this regulatory role, and instead devotes its energies to support for charity, education and the British leather trade.




The new Livery web design is now fully responsive and can be viewed easily on desktop, mobile and tablet devices. We have added some new features to make browsing the website more intuitive for the public and Livery members, starting with simple long scrolling pages and toggled sections. Once a member logs in, they will see hidden content not visible to the public. They can also view member-only news posts, gallery images and more.

It is now easier than ever for members to update their Livery member details, as the member section has been incorporated into the main site as opposed to logging into a new site. We have added a Livery Liaisons section allowing users to document any meetings or events they may have been to, and register their interests in sporting activities. Alongside this, we have also implemented a Livery Member Map, showing the locations of all Livery members.

Click here to view The Leatherseller’s Company website

If you are also interested in updating your website, take a look at our work or get in touch. Why not pop in for a chat in our on-site cafe or simply give us a call.




